How to make chili flakes

Manna Foods
How to make chili flakes
Red peppers are one of the best sources of the red-coloured carotenoid pigment, chili flake is also a very good food seasoning.

Have you imaged that : You can make red chili flakes in the comfort of your home, with choice of chilies. If you want the chili flakes bright red and medium-hot, use Kashmiri red chilies. If hot is your preference, use Died red chilies. Or mix up the chili varieties as you like.


The method is simple, try it step by step.

  • Dry whole red chilies – 5 to 6 chilies give you a teaspoon of chili flakes. Adjust the quantity depending on the volume of chili flakes needed.

Dry-roast the chilies in a thick-bottomed pan on low flame, till they turn color and give off an aroma. (1-2 min).

Grind for a 5 seconds to get coarse chili flakes, longer to make the chili flakes fine. I prefer them coarse.

This is how red chili flakes look after 5 seconds in my grinder.

Store in an airtight container. Use as you please. Stir into raitas , spice up fries and salads with a sprinkling. Add to curries as a substitute for red chili powder – since the chili flakes are roasted, they can be added towards the end of cooking: this gives a nice aromatic chili flavour to the curry.


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